Swap Anyone?
Yes I said swap as in body swap :O). I have switched a couple of my OHC girls onto new bodies. I'm sorry but their original bodies are just not my cup of tea. I switched the little redhead girl I got on clearance from Tarjay 1st. I figured if it didn't work hey I didn't spend any real $$ on her. I just got the AA sister set tonight and they screamed SWAP US!!! I found the body donors I had for them and swap they did :O). I'm glad this set actually exists even though they never came to my area. The lil redhead girl is really pale so she doesn't have bendy knees. I hope there will be a pale lil articulated body one day. Jessica Rose Both the black girls have articulated bodies now..WOOHOO Sydney The older sister's a lil shorter than her original body but it works much better for me. I have lots of Stacie sized clothing for her to change into. I renamed her Kyla since the other doll will stay with the original name Kayla Rae Kyla I st...