She's Here!! She's Here!! My 1st 2012 Purchase

Yes, she has arrived earlier than expected. This lady has been on my grail list for a few years. It was only through an awesome sale that I did get her. I spied her for sale on a friends Flickr for a mere $95 (can you say bargain?).  I am so thankful that I was able to put her on hold (thank you Mel aka CarmMelDoll). So without further ado I present to you all...Overachiever Eugenia. 
For anyone that's curious here she is in her original outfit I wasn't able to buy this lady when she was 1st released as an MFD or My Favourite Doll  exclusive in 2007.  Any time she came up for sale she was snapped up too quick or way too expensive for me (Did I tell you all that I'm cheap?). Her price was perfect for me ;O).  She will be redressed several times over. This lady was about #4 on my grail list. I will expound (real brainy sounding, right ;O)) on my grail list in later posts.  

I'm slower than most everyone else but she is my first purchase for 2012 :O) I bought her nude which is never a problem for me. This is what I went through to get the above shot. This outfit works for her for now (she strongly disagrees).

Eugenia: I don't like this ensemble you've put me in. The skirt is too short.
Me: Well get over it. That's what you're wearing for the moment until I find something else for you.
Eugenia: If you insist I-
Me: I insist and that's the end right now, thank you.

Eugenia: How's my hair?
Me: Beautiful but I relaxed your curl a bit.
Eugenia: What do you mean you relaxed it a bit?
Me: The curl was a little tight and made you look spinsterish
Eugenia: o_O
Me: What?!

Eugenia: I need to see every angle of this relaxation..
Me: Seriously
Eugenia: Seriously. My hair is my one outstanding glory you understand. (Just so you all know this version of Eugenia speaks with a clipped British accent in my mind)
Me: Fine.. 


Me: Satisfied 
Eugenia: Immensely. Your a doll, love :O) 
Me: You should really talk to the others about the rules around here..


  1. Great buy!. She is quite lovely!

  2. Beautiful! Congrats on getting her.

  3. Thank you ladies. I'm happy to have been able to get her :OD

  4. She is a beauty! you gota love a redhead! Ah, dressing a redhead is a bit more complexed than a blond. You will have to find this lovely some pretty frocks!

    1. I'm working on some wardrobe changes for her. She's in the right place for clothing options :O)

  5. She is gorgeous! I love her hair color. Congratulations on getting her!

  6. Congratulation!! I'm so happy for you!! You have to look at it this way. She arrived just in time especially at a good price for you!. I just purchased my first ever FR and I'm still in awe. I am sooo happy for you!!

    1. Which one did you snag? This is definitely glass half full situation :O)

  7. Hello from spain, i like your first purchase this year. Your Eugenia is really beautiful. I like the detail os the golden bracelet. I think it was worth the wait. Keep in touch

    1. Thank you Marta. Her bracelet is from a Silkstone outfit. She was so worth my 5 year wait :O)

  8. LOL, I love the conversation you had with her. I think she is going to be a handfull.

  9. Patience is the key to everything!! LOL! I love the conversation! She is very demanding and she knows it! Congrats on your 5 yr wait for this gal!

  10. Eugenia: How's my hair?
    Me: Beautiful but I relaxed your curl a bit.
    Eugenia: What do you mean you relaxed it a bit?
    Me: The curl was a little tight and made you look spinsterish
    Eugenia: o_O
    Me: What?!

    LMAO this made my day!

  11. Congrats! You know I am loving the hair and her British accent. Me, formerly being a Brit and all. Nothing like being able to cross those grails off the list. I can't wait to see what else is there.


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