Dolly Daze

I was happy to be invited to join a couple of bloggers that I follow and occasionally post on. I was able to get together with Frannie of Thriftstoredolls and Cecile of Chynadollcreations fame. I had a fabulous time meeting both of these ladies. We met at Cecile's house (I was about 20 mins late..sorry again). The ladies greeted me with smiles and a warm welcome. We talked a bit, enjoyed some pizza, and then we shopped for supplies. 

Once we got back to Cecile's we pulled out the stuff to be redone. I didn't take pictures of everything before but there are a couple of pieces everyone should be familiar with. I brought a container of things I always wanted to be repainted but never jumped into. I had a few My Scene pieces from the Party Pad.They are still in the transitional stage but this is what I have so far.

Party Pad fireplace before

My Scene pieces in transition
 Cecile is a true master of arts & crafts. She helped me (a lot) with the furniture painting. I also had a Happy Family Kitchen (no pictures of yet). Fran had some great pieces as well. I had spray paint duty..LOL. I painted Fran's furniture and part of the HF kitchen. I have the before shot of Frannie's set but not after...oops
table set before
repainted to black leather

Frannie had a couple of dolls that Cecile helped her with. 

Cecile gave me a Scary Spice doll that she graciously transformed while I watched. Cecile's is very talented. Here are the before and during pics. 
Artist working stand back

Here is her after. I had to fix her hair today before taking her pictures. She has such a beautiful face the hair had to be done. I haven't decided on her name yet but she's definitely not Scary anymore :O)

Here is a shot of the mess we made creating. Cecile is a great teacher. We will definitely get together for more fun. 
Creative chaos

I also received a Dance LIV Alexis doll from Frannie. I actually wanted this doll just for her clothes and wigs alone. I thank you Frannie.
I had a great time and can't wait for the next get together. I have tons more of stuff to be redone :O)


  1. What a great time we had! Can't wait for the next adventure! The pictures came out great!

  2. Yes, we did have a great time. Fantastic pictures! Will have to take an after picture of the table and chairs. Can't wait to get together again for another dolly day! It was so nice meeting you!

  3. I really love how Scary's hair came out. The earrings are awesome!She looks lovely with the repaint and her new hairdo!

  4. I am so jealous! You gals look like you were overwhelmed with creative tasks! I love how the fireplace turned out. :) I can't wait to see what the three of you come up with when you meet up again in the future.

    **And Dollz4Moi I fixed the poll, you can vote now. Again, thank you for bringing it to my attention!!**

  5. I can't wait either :O)

    I had the earrings and just had to work that crazy hair.

  6. @Cat I went back and voted :O) Glad to help and thank you for the compliment. Cecile repainted that I'm working on the touchups :O)

  7. What makes this so funny is that I was up early Sunday morning doing crafts! I'm glad you had fun and I will be following Frannie's blog! I notice she has made some comments on mine!

  8. I am jealous too, but in a good way. Lol! That is so cool that you all hung out for a day of dolly fun. The My Scene furniture looks wonderful! Fran's furniture is cute as is, but I look forward to seeing the after pics. Love your formerly Scary doll she looks so much better. She and the Liv doll are both nice gifts.

  9. I am so happy for the three of you. Nothing like crafting with friends. I love all the pictures. Your MyScene furniture looks great. Love your Scary Spice doll too. She looks like someone, but I can't put my finger on it. I could not have been in charge of spray painting. Anytime buy spray painting. LOL!

  10. How inspiring, Dollz4Moi! Such fun and in good company, wow.

    Happy New Year 2012! Best wishes for more collective fun.

  11. Hello from Spain: i love the white furniture and change that are beinning to see in the fireplace. I would like to life near yours. What do you do in the kichen of the Happy Family? Keep in touch

  12. Just wonderful, I love it. I can't wait to see the HF kithen, I'm sure it will be a knock out. I agree with you, Scary is a beautiful doll, she needed your TLC. Congrat on the Alexis doll too, you wanted her and now you have her.

  13. You three were blessed to be able to spend creative doll time together. I love what Chynadoll did with Scary Spice. The painting turned out well, too.


  14. Looks like fun:) Love the repainted My Scene furniture.


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