
Showing posts from November, 2012

Long Distance Play Date

Today was the day I was going to over to my awesome friend Cecile's , Chynadoll Creations , h ouse to play. Things happened and well we couldn't get together this weekend do we had a virtual play da te and decided to share it with you all . We both redressed some ladies and here are my results :O) I redressed All in White Colette, Strict Elegance Luchia, an d Main Event Adele. I hope you all like. All the ladies clothing was made by Kathi Stareprawo of  Frau E fame. The bags and the nec klace that Adele is wearing is also by Frau E. The rest of the jewelry is all from Integrity. Colette's boot s are from Mattel. This was fun and I have more ladies to dress

Blogging Overload..Not Really LOL

I know you're all shaking your heads at this new title. This has become a necessary thing to do. This is not pointed at anyone in particular so take no offense (I mean it). I started this blog for me and my hobby which is my dolls and toys that I love. I enjoy sharing certain things wi t h those who do take their time out and read my ramblings. I give so many kudos to you all for this I thank you.  My point is this is MY BLOG. I choose what to post & when. I see so many who put this pressure on themselves to keep the masses (their followers) happy. If you don't post to your blog but once a month that's your prerogative . I would hope that people choose to follow because of similar interests and love of dolls & toys. If I checked tomorrow and no one followed or read my blog my worl d will not end. I say that simply to say if you don't enjoy your blog or posting then stop. Anything that does not bring you joy and happiness (the same thing I know) stop doing it. ...