Going to Be MIA Until After Convention
Hey everyone :O) 'Member me..maybe you don't, LOL. I'm sorry about my absence but I've been getting it all together for Chicago. I haven't picked up my camera in a couple of weeks. I am getting much attitude from my dolls at the moment. They are feeling the neglect. I promise I will be back to usual when I get back on the 9th..well actually the 10th :O) I have been keeping up with everyone else's blogs. I just haven't commented on everything though. I'm still looking for a couple of things and I am done. I have one final check in with my friends who are also going to the FR convention tomorrow. Anything not done by Tuesday won't get done and will be scratched from the list. Thank goodness I had some time to prepare or this would be a race of ginormous proportions. I'm glad I did most of my prep ahead of time :O)