
Showing posts from January, 2011

Still Here..LOL

Been sidetracked by illness yet again. I have a back log of pictures to take, dolls, & doll clothes to sort. I also have a Kelly Konvention to get ready for..ARGH. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to do it all yet I must get it done. I'm getting back into it but this weather isn't helping either. Enough with the snow already. I so want to be where the snow falls and goes away quickly. There's another storm coming through tomorrow night and I'm so over it. Okay enough I'm going back into doll mode. I've seen some pics of a couple of the new Integrity offerings and so far nothing is moving me..this may be a awesome thing for my wallet. Who'm I kidding it's an awesome thing for my wallet. All the stuff that doesn't appeal to me makes looking through all the stuff I have even more fun. I'm renewing my love of what I own and what I can let go of. If I'm home Wednesday expect some pics or at least a link to my Show & S...

Sorry to be MIA...

I seem to be posting this a lot lately but I've been sick for my new year. Today is the first day I feel human and can actually sit up @ my computer. I will begin new blog entries this weekend. I have a few goodies that I managed to get before I got bedridden for a week..LOL. This flu thing is no joke. I don't get knocked down a lot but this did me in. December is also a busy month for me @ work so I had no real down time. I can say I'M BAAAAAAAACCCKKKK The fun will begin again.