Florida or Bust!!

It's that time of year again. The countdown is on for my 2nd Fashion Royalty Convention. This years theme is Tropicalia and I haven't really made an preparations except for airline & hotel. I have to shop for at least a dress or something..LOL. I will try to post a couple of times before then but if I don't you know why. 

This year I made a list of stuff I'm looking for. I'm focused and I will share my list after convention. It's like playing Poker, you never show your hand. I'm also working on my travel doll(s). Not sure if I want 1 or 2 dolls this time around. I know who my 1st doll is but not sure of the other. 

I hope to see a few friends and make some more friends while there. I don't remember what my table number is but I will post it. If you're going drop by and say hello :O)


  1. So jealous! I've never been to a doll convention :(
    I wish you a lot of fun, I'm looking forward on your next update :)

    1. I hope you get to go to one. It's great to have people just like you all together in one place playing..LOL

  2. Hi Anika! I will be there for my second one as well! Yay! We are on count down. See you soon!

  3. I am definitely going to want to see these photos since they were all sold out by the time I knew about it. But I'm not jealous... nope, not a all. Hrmph.

    1. Muff I will have tons of pictures again. There's always next year ;O)

  4. Enjoy your convention - but we definitely want to see photos afterward.

  5. Congratulations on going! Thanks for taking LOTS of photos so that your doll pals online can savor your experience vicariously. I am sure that you really want to take LOTS of photos. No need for me to natter on about it. You will have fun in your new gown or in new sneakers.

    You are a generous woman to be taking LOTS of photos. (Third time set a geas on you? Fingers crossed, lol.)

    1. Dana you know you're crazy (I like it). Subliminal messages are not allowed but I feel the need to take lots of pictures..LOL ;O)

  6. Hello from Spain: I envy! I never went to a convention of dolls. I'm sure it's very interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos of the convention. . We keep in touch.

    1. Marta, I hope you get to enjoy going to a convention. They're really a lot of fun and so much to do in a few days.


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