Back To Work..Finally

I'm happy to say the strike is over and I go back to work Tuesday :O) I'm so thankful to have been prepared for this but I still have to build my savings up again. I have put more stuff on my show & sell but like I keep saying I have so much more to go...

I will try to keep my pages current and taking pics of stuff to go.  I haven't made any sales yet but then I just started. Just to satisfy myself I will be posting the same items on ebay to see which way they go faster ;O)


  1. Congrats on getting back to work! I know how stressful that can be.

  2. Whew girl! I'm glad the strike is over! Now my officers can get back to their regular schedule of duty - drinking coffee and eating donuts! LOL!

  3. I like the way this blogger looks! It's real kewl!

  4. That is great that you are back to work and that the strike is over.

  5. Thank you all. I appreciate the time but I rather get paid..LOL


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