My Newest Loves

I've been so lax on my postings but I'm baaaaccckk...LOL. Always wanted to post that. Ok so in my absence I've been selling off some dolls for so cheap. If I was still attached to them this would've been an outrage. I've come to the conclusion that they needed to go. I still have more to go and I haven't even gone into the clothing or furniture...hmmm. Oh well back to my posts

I was able to get myself a Jordan doll. She is not as horrible as I thought. She's actually quite pretty. I'm still not in love with the white eye makeup but I will live. I also fell in love with the new AA Target Basic doll. A great friend picked her up for me and I love her. I have rebodied her but no new pics yet. Even though she is not new I couldn't find my Perk Colette for a couple of months. I just got her and put her away and couldn't remember where...NOOOOOOOOO. Just when I was really going crazy 'lo & behold who I found hidden in one of her sisters boxes...PERK!!!


  1. Nice picture of Colette and Basic Target I'm truly in love with~!

  2. Thanks Ebony. These 2 are really getting some love right now

  3. Nice pictures, they are all pretty, anyway thought this could be interesting I found this website that can create a super-realistic doll heads of anyone from just a photo. Imagine making doll of yourself, your kids, your boss or your favorite celebrity!

    Apparently they can make the heads in many scales to fit Barbie-like dolls, Tonner dolls or even smaller figurines like Polly Pocket.

  4. I love that Colette and I just got the Target Basic. Love her!


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